Zoom in and Zoom out
Internet Explorer menu View -> Zoom to change size of type on page. Or Ctrl + and Ctrl - to zoom in and out.
Tabbing Between Fields
Tab key to go forward Shift-Tab to go back
Using Autofill
Type the first few letters of an entry quickly (ex. Lead Source). Tab off to set. Do not press backspace key.
Working with Multiple Tabs or Windows
This is useful when you need to compare two separate modules or two different customers. To set this up, open another window or tab by holding down the ctrl key and clicking on the second module name in the navigation bar. Next, left click on the new tab and drag it downwards.
- To easily fit the two windows side by side, click anywhere in either window; then hold the Windows key down and click the left arrow key. This will fit the first window into the left side of your screen.
- Click anywhere in the second window; hold the Windows key down and click the right arrow key
- When done, close the second window by click “X”, ctrl-W or F6 depending on your browser; this keeps the original window open to continue working.
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