To Dos
Each time you log into MetricWise, the Home Page is displayed. The page has three sections: To Dos, Key Metrics and Upcoming Installs and Services.
All open To Dos that are assigned to you will be displayed in the To Dos widget. It includes the date and time the To Do is due and lists the status. A To Do can be accessed by clicking the subject name link.
Viewing All Events and To Dos
In the To Do widget to the right of the Show: label, click All. This displays all To Dos tasks if the status is not Completed.
Marking a To Do as Completed (under revision)
A From Home Page widget: click the blue link under the Subject heading for the To Do
Click the green Edit button, change the status to completed and click the green save button.
- B Calendar To Do Tab Action column Edit Status Completed
Or: C All Events and To Dos tab All Open To Dos filter
- Locate the To do and click the X located in the column labeled Close.
The status is automatically to Completed and will be removed from your Home Page To Do widget.
D From the customers module: search for the customer, access the activites section,
E Mass edit fromal open tos
Viewing All Events and To Dos from the Appointment Module
- Select Sales and then Appointments from the main navigation menu bar.
- Click on the To Dos tab.
Any To Do that is not marked completed will be displayed.
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