The Control Panel module has restricted access and is available only to Office Managers and Sales Managers. The manager will have restricted access based on the group of users they are responsible for. For example, a Sales Manager will not have access to a user in the Install group. Managers are also restricted from accessing their peers, i.e.: a Sales Manager cannot access or edit the account settings for another Sales Manager, or any other Manager role. However, they can access their own username and change their password.
The following functions can be performed from the Settings Menu:
In Edit User: change a username, change a password, change the user account status to Active or Inactive, change a user's QuickBooks initials and add a user to a calendar.
In Default List Prices: change the default price of any product on your record contract form.
In Add Tax Rate: add a new city and corresponding tax rate percentage, if the store collects taxes.
In Create User: create new users and assign their role.
In Edit Group: change the display order of the Sales or Installation calendar.
To Change a Username
- Choose the User from the User picklist.
- Enter the new Username.
- Enter a new Password - you must create a new password or retype the original password when changing a Username.
- Enter the Password a second time in the Confirm Password field.
- Click the Save Username & Password button.
To change a User Password
- Choose the User from the User picklist.
- Enter a new password in the New Password field.
- Enter the password again in the Confirm Password field.
- Click the Save Password Only button to record changes.
To make a User Active or Inactive
- Choose the User from the User picklist.
- Select the new status from the New Status picklist.
- Click the Save Status button to record changes.
To change a User's QuickBooks Initials
- Choose the User from the User picklist.
- Enter the new initials in the New Initials field.
- Click the Save Initials button.
To change the Default Appointment Duration
- Choose the hour from the hours pick list.
- Choose the minutes from the minutes pick list.
- Click the Save Default Appointment button
(System defaults are 1.5 hours for a sales appointment and 4 hours for an install appointment)
To Change a Product Price on the Record Contract Form
- From the Settings Menu, click on Default List Price.
- Locate the product to be changed.
- Enter the new price in the New Unit Price field.
- Click the Change Price link to record changes.
To Create a New User:
- From the Settings Menu, click on Create New User.
- Enter the First Name in the First Name field.
- Enter the Last Name in the Last Name field.
- From the Role picklist, select a user role.
- Click the Save button.
The Username, QuickBooks Initials and a Password will be created
QuickBooks Initialsl will only be created for roles that appear on the Sales Calendar - Sales, Sales Managers and Office Managers. If the QuickBooks Initials are already in use, a dialog box will be presented indicating a different set of QuickBooks Initials will need to be created in the QuickBooks Initials field.
To Change the Calendar Display Order
- From the Settings Menu, click on Edit Group.
- From the Group picklist, select the group.
- Click and hold the mouse down on the name you wish to move. Drag the name to the new location.
- Click the Save Display Order button.
To Add a User to Another Group on the Calendar
- From the Settings Menu, click on Edit User.
- From the Edit User picklist, select the Username
- In the Groups section, select the calendar(s) the user is to appear on.
- Click the Save Groups button.
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