The Products module contains a complete inventory of items typically found on a Window World contract. Any product that has been marked as Active in the Products module will appear on the MetricWise Record Contract form.
Discounts and Coupons can be associated with any active product and as such, are treated as a product item. Different scenarios where a discount might be offered: a percentage of the entire contract total is given as a discount; a specific item or items have been discounted or a coupon is being redeemed. Each of these scenarios can be accomodated for in MetricWise. Discounts and coupons are deducted from the contract total and are exported into QuickBooks.
Contact MetricWise support when additional items are to be added to the contract or if an item name has been changed in QuickBooks.
The default filter displays both active and inactive parts including the part number, product name, product category, Unit Price, Usage Unit, Quickbooks item number (the Quickbooks item name being used), QuickBooks Descripton, Commissions and Installer pay. To view addtionial details for an item, click on the link in the Product Name column.
Several search methods are available. The most common method is to enter text in the Search box and select something from the picklist. To search by letter, use the alphabet chart. For more detailed searches, use the Advanced Search option. Filters can be created by any user who has access to the module.
Custom search filters can be created, to refine the results specifically to your business needs. A good example in utilizing the create filter option would be creating a filter listing for active parts. . For more information on creating filters, refer to the FAQ section.
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