The AMI FO Serial Number Import is an option feature consisting of two modules within MetricWise: the AMI FO module and the Assets module. The outstanding benefit of this feature is the ability to search by serial number. When a customer provides a serial number for reorder purposes, simply type in the number. The original order will be located with all demisions and other pertinent information.
When this feature is activated on your server, Factory Order numbers and Serial Numbers for each contract are imported directly into MetricWise. How does it work? The night your order has been loaded onto the AMI truck, an electronic inventory of the truck contents is automatically uploaded into MetricWise. On the mornings of your scheduled deliveries, MetricWise will already be updated.
It is important to note that when submitting your orders to AMI, use the MetricWise generated PO number (consisting of your store number prefixed onto the contract number) located on each contract. This ensures linkage is maintained between the FO numbers and the associated MetricWise contracts.
The FO module provides a list view and access to all FO numbers in MetricWise. Information can be sorted by AMI FO number or by MW PO Number. Sorting is also available by AMI PO number, dates and Sales Order numbers.
When a link to an FO is accessed, a detail view is provided. The view contains links back to the customer and the contract and a list of all items (Assets) associated with the order. To view the assets on the FO including serial numbers, access the Assets section. Each serial number is listed, along with the AMI Name, Quantity, Color, demenstions and mull information if applicable. When the serial number link is accessed, additional information including factory codes and model numbers is displayed.
The Asset module contains the Assets - individual records with serial numbers - for all windows and parts that are on contained within an FO.
The module provides a list view of all assets in the system. Columns displayed in the list view are Serial Number, Factory Description, Ship Date, Color, Demensions and AMI FO Number. When the link for the serial number is accessed, additional information including factory codes and model numbers is displayed.
The underlying benefit of this module the serial number search. When you have the serial number for an item you need to reorder, simply enter it into the search window. The individual item will be located with all related information.
MetricWise uses grouping to organize the data between Customer, Contracts, FO numbers and Assets. As such, AMI FO information is acccesible from three areas: the AMI FO module itself, from the Customer module and from the Contract module - by accessing the AMI FO section.
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