Reports display up to the minute results based on the data entered into MetricWise.
The Reports module contains numerous detailed reports in the following categories: Sales, Commission, Installation, Closing, Leads, Advertising and Administrative.
Results can generally be filtered by user, date, and subcategories; all report results can be printed using the printer friendly button and can also be exported to Excel or Word with the icons beneath the report title. The store name is displayed next to each report title.
Depending on store policy, reports can be made available to Sales Reps. Specific report categories can be selected, i.e.: Sales only, Sales and Commission, etc. When a Sales Rep accesses the reports, the output will be limited to Contracts, Leads and Customers the Sales Rep is assigned to. To enable this option on your server, contact MetricWise Support.
Cost of Goods Sold v1205a (Under construction)
Sales Summary By Turn-In Date
Displays sales totals by sales rep for contracts with a Turn-In Date in the search range. This report only includes contracts with Contract Stage set to Sold and does not include deleted contracts.
The Window Sales figure includes the window price, low-e, window grids and other options, including any cap / metal out cap sold with that window, but not interior trim or stops.
From left to right, the results table displays total sales, sales by product category, then unit sales for Windows Sold, units by category. Total jobs counts all the contracts included in the report. Win Jobs is a count of jobs that include at least one window.
The last two columns for Avg Win Per Job and Avg Price Per Win are calculated. Average Windows Per Job takes the Win Sold count and divides by the Win Jobs count. Average Price Per Window takes the Window Sales (which includes options) and divides by the Win Sold column.
Sales Summary By Contract Date
Sales Summary by Contract Date is exactly the same report as Sales Summary by Turn-In Date except it uses the Contract Date instead of the Turn-In Date. Using the contract date gives a more accurate picture of when a customer made the decision to buy.
Window Options Summary By Turn-In Date
Displays the same contract and window sales as the Sales Summary by Turn-In Date report, but window sales are broken out by Low-E, Grid and Cap options.
The window sales column includes total window price with all options. The columns showing Low-E Sales, Grid Sales, and Cap Sales display the sales price of those options.
The next four columns – Windows Sold, Low-E Units, Grid Units and Cap Units show the unit sales that correspond to the previous four columns.
The group of average price columns is calculated by dividing sales by units. For example, Avg Low-E Price is Low-E Sales divided by Low-E Units.
The final three columns display the percentage of windows that include the following options: Win Low-E %, Win Grid %, and Win Cap %. For example, Win Grid % is calculated by dividing the number of Grid Units by Windows Sold.
Window Options Summary By Contract Date
Window Options Summary by Contract Date is exactly the same report as Window Options Summary by Turn-In Date except it uses the Contract Date instead of the Turn-In Date. Using the contract date gives a more accurate picture of when a customer made their purchasing decision.
Total Sales By Month
This is a cross tab report that can display year over year, month by month comparisons. When selecting a start and end date spanning two different years, each month is displayed in a stacked format. . The data is the same as what is used in the Sales Summary By Turn-In Date report - total contract sales by turn in date.
Units Sold By Month
This report provides a view of monthly trends and compares monthly sales year over year. It will show results for all products or it can be broken out by sepcific product categories.
Select by specific Product Category or choose mulitple categories
Select by Sales Rep or multiple reps
Select by Turn-In Date and view results for the current month, multiple months or year over year
This report will match the Contracts By Item Name report when selecting the same category and date range - in the Item Quantity column
A stacked line graph display is included, showing reps and store totals. Controls are located in the legend to display or hide results on the graph
Windows Sold By Month v1205a (under construction)
This report is similar to Units Sold By Month. However only categories of Windows and Specialty Windows are included in the ouptput.
Select by Sales Rep or multiple reps
Select by Turn-In Date and view results for the current month, multiple months or year over year
This report will match the Contracts By Item Name report when selecting the same category and date range - in the Item Quantity column, as well as Sales Summary By Turn-In Date - Windows and Specialty Window totals.
Commission Summary By Turn-In Date
Similar to the Sales Summary by Turn-In Date report, Commission Summary displays the commission totals associated with each contract instead of the sale price.
The commission summary report also includes columns for chargebacks and net commissions. Chargebacks are based on the original contracts in the contracts module, and are represented as negative commission values in this report.
The Net Commission column is calculated as the Commission Totals column minus the Chargeback totals, and the Net Commission amount should match the check amount paid to the sales rep.
While seeing total commissions is useful, the Commission Detail report offers much finer detail.
Commission Detail By Turn-In Date
This report displays the same contracts as the commission summary report but in much greater detail. Contracts are displayed in line item detail with the quantity, price, sales commissions and the percentage of the contract total the commission represents. (Total Commission / Contract Total)
Contract details are displayed down to the individual line item with the quantity, price, and sales commission. There are subtotals for contract total and commission for each contract and grand totals at the bottom of the report.
To change a commission click the contract number link in the first column to open the contract, then edit the commission values in the Product Details section of the contract. Refresh the report, and the edited commissions will be shown. When clicking on the contract ID, it’s best to open the link in a new tab or window (right click link, then open in new tab/window). This will ensure you don’t lose your place in the report.
Commission Detail First Half
This report displays the same contracts as the Commission Detail report but only displays the first half of the commission total. Contracts are displayed in line item detail with the quantity, price, sales commissions and 50 percent of the contract total the commission represents. (Sales Commission First Half / Line Total)
Commission Detail Second Half
This report displays the same contracts as the Commission Detail report but only displays the second half of the commission total. When the Payment Received Date is entered in a Contract, the contract will be displayed on this report. Contracts are displayed in line item detail with the quantity, price, sales commissions and the 50 percent of the contract total the commission represents. (Sales Commission Second Half / Line Total)
Installer Pay Detail By Installation Date
Similar to the Commission Detail By Turn In Date report. This report lists installer pay based on the installation start dates entered in the search range, by individual installer or by Product Category. The contract is displayed and installer pay is listed for each line item. The report also lists the percentage of the labor cost based on the contract total. (Pay Sum / Line Total Sum)
Installations By Date Completed (v1205a)
This report was created to identify installation appointments that have been resulted as Complete - Paid and as such, are candidates to have surveys mailed to them.
The report can be rendered for resulted appointments within a specified date range. If the Installation appointment is status Set or Tentative and the appointment result for these appointments is Complete - Paid, it will be listed. Output includes the appointment id (linked), Appointment Result, Sales Rep, Install End Date, and all customer contact information.
Installer Pay By Contract Number
This report is the same as the Installer Pay Detail By Installation Date report, but groups by Contract Number first and Installer Name second. Subtotals for each contract are displayed as well as a grand total.
Closing Percentages Summary
This report counts only resulted sales appointments – status New, Revisit, Rescheduled with results Sold, Demo No Sale, Cancelled, No Show – with start dates that fall in the date search range.
The combinations of status and result are used to calculate closing percentages by sales rep. This is done in three different ways: Per Demo Close, True Per Demo Close, and Per Lead Close.
Per Demo Close shows the close rate per sales appointment when a demonstration was performed (an opportunity to sell). It takes the number of New+Sold, Rescheduled+Sold, and Revisit+Sold and divides by the number of Demos Done (column 5). It does not count Cancelled and No Show appointments.
True Per Demo Close is the same as the Per Demo Close with the Mail In+Sold included. There is no way of knowing if or when a customer will mail in a quote. The True Per Demo Close gives credit for the sale when the contract is turned in.
Per Lead Close counts the sold appointments in the same way as True Per Demo Close, but it divides by Leads Run instead of Demos Done. This subtracts the Revisits (Be backs). The Per Lead Close figure will be the same if the sales rep closes the sale in one appointment or multiple revisits.
Leads Run
The Leads Run report is a detail breakout of the Leads Run column in the Closing Percentages Summary. Leads Run shows the appointment date, customer name, and appointment status and result. The number of records shown should match exactly the Leads Run count from the Closing Percentage Summary.
Demos Done
The Demos Done report is a detail breakout of the Demos Done column in the Closing Percentages Summary. Demos Done shows the appointment date, customer name, the appointment status and result, the assigned sales rep, contact phone numbers and a portion of the appointment description. The number of records shown should match exactly the Demos Done count from the Closing Percentage Summary.
Appointments Needing Results
The Appointments Needing Results report displays all leads that have not been resulted. Search criteria included are Sales Rep or Installer, Group Name, and date range. Direct links to appointments, calendars and customers are included in this report.
Leads By Sales Rep
The Leads By Sales Rep report counts the sales appointments with status New and a run date in the date range search. The leads are grouped first by sales rep, then by lead source, displayed in descending order by lead count. The lead counts are also broken out by what percentage of a sales rep’s leads are from an individual lead source.
Leads Detail by Source
A breakout detail report for the leads that are shown in the Leads Set Summary By Source report. The record total for this report should exactly match the record total of the Leads Set Summary By Source report for the same date range.
Leads Set and Leads Run are easily confused concepts that are important to keep straight. A lead is set when an appointment is created in MetricWise. A lead is run when the sales rep visits the prospect. These dates will almost always be different for the same appointment, and this can create different results on the lead reports. For example, you create an appointment (set a lead) on April 30, and the sales rep visits the prospect (runs the lead) on June 1. A leads set report for the month of April will count this lead, but a leads run report for the month of April will not. The lead reports are clearly labeled to differentiate between these two concepts. |
Leads Run Summary By Source
Counts the sales appointments with status New and a run date in the search range. This report counts the exact same leads as the Leads By Sale Rep report, but it groups them by lead source. It also displays the number of leads with results of Sold, Demo No Sale, Cancelled, No Show or Need Result.
Leads Set Summary By Source
Counts the sales appointments with status New and a create date in the search range. The create date is the day the office appointment setters took the call from the prospect and added the appointment to the sales calendar.
The create date is the earliest point we can measure when a prospect responded to an advertisement which makes this report your most accurate measure of the effectiveness of your advertising.
Rehash By Appointment Date
This report shows all the leads who did not buy with a sales appointment in the search range. It finds any appointments with result Demo No Sale, Cancelled, or No Show in the search range, and then it checks to see if the most recent appointment is NOT a result Sold. For details on managing the entire Rehash Process, refer to the MetricWise Help section and select the Customers module.
Rehash weekly or bi-weekly for best results. Run this report by sales rep, and export to excel or print the table. Have the reps contact all the prospects again to close them. Stores that do this see a 5% - 8% close rate on their rehash leads. |
Ad Campaign Detail By Lead Source
This is a monster report that combines data from three sources: Ad Campaigns, Contracts, and Sales Leads. Enter your ad spends in the Ad Campaign module, record your contract dates correctly on the record contract form, and assign your leads the correct statuses on the sales calendar, and this report will automatically calculate cost per lead, revenue per lead, and show the return on your advertising dollar.
From the Ad Campaigns, we take the campaign start date, end date and total cost. From that, we calculate an average daily cost for the entire ad campaign. Then we find the overlap between the campaign date range and the user search range entered at the top of the page.
From that overlap, we calculate the Intersecting Cost which allows us to apply only the portions of the ad spend that is within the search range. This allows the report to correctly split out only the portions of the ad spend for any search dates the user desires.
From the Contracts that have a contract date (not turn-in date) in the date search range, we take the revenue by lead source. This gives us the revenue that was generated by that lead source over the search range. This revenue number is exactly the same as the Contract Sales Total from the Sales Summary By Contract Date report.
From the Sales Leads we pull the new lead count by lead source. This figure is exactly the same as the Lead Count from the Leads Set Summary By Source report.
All these items taken together allow us to calculate the values in the last three columns: Revenue Per Lead, Cost Per Lead, Return Per Dollar. There are grand totals at the bottom of the report as well to give you your overall cost per lead. Over a long time period (a quarter or a year), you can see at a glance which of your advertising outlets are performing well and which are lagging.
Contracts By Referrer
This report displays the contract number, turn in date, name, phone, and mailing address information for contacts who have been entered in the Referred By field in a contract. It also displays the name of the referring party. The results are grouped by contract number and filtered by contract Turn-In date. Export the results of this report to Excel or Word to generate a mailing list for paying referral bonuses.
Quote Summary By Turn-In Date
For stores that enter quotes as well as sold contracts, this report pulls quotes by Turn-In date. This report is identical to the Sales Summary by Turn-In Date report except it searches for contracts with Contract Stage set to Demo No Sale (as opposed to Sold).
Comparing the Quote Summary report against the Sales Summary reports will show you how much business you’ve quoted versus how much was sold. This report can also be used as a weighted rehash report. Any items in this report will be unsold quotes, and you can sort by quote size to focus on closing the largest sales that were lost.
Quote Summary By Contract Date
Quote Summary by Contract Date is exactly the same report as Quote Summary By Turn-In Date except it uses the Contract Date instead of the Turn-In Date. Using the contract date gives a more accurate picture of when a customer made the decision to buy.
Contracts By Stage
Detail report that searches by contract Turn-In Date and Contract Stage, and returns the customer name, phone number, addresses, and contract details. Ideal for exporting contact information for thank you letters to recent customers or for a rehash mailing for Demo No Sale contracts.
Appointment Set By User
Shows status New and Rescheduled appointments grouped by user (office personnel setting appointments) or by Appointment Status. Check this report to see who set what leads and when they did it. The report also shows the set date, the lead name, appointment status, appointment result, run date and sales rep. Lead names and run date are live links back to the customer contact and calendar day.
Contracts By Item Name
A versatile report that searches all Sold contracts grouped by one or more categories and one or more product names, and by Sales Rep. Use this report to pull all the lead containment jobs sold last year or all the low-e sales for a sales rep last month.
Output includes contract number, category, item name and quantity, item prices, total for line items, sales rep, contract dates, customer name, customer phone numbers and addresses.
Sold Appointments Without Contracts
This report ensures a contract exists for every sold appointment. If the appointment result is Sold but there isn't a related Contract for the customer, the appointment will be listed. Output includes a link to the appointment, who it was set by, the set date, a link to the customer contact, the appointment status and result, the run date and the assigned sales rep.
Customer References List
A list of all customers who have agreed to be used as a reference and the Reference field in the customer contact has been marked Yes.. Output includes customer name, home phone number and install address, number of windows sold and whether or not cap or siding was included as part of the installation. The list can be filtered by Contract Turn In Dates and by City or Zip code. This report can be used to direct prospects to referal properties near their neighborhoods.
Customer List
A list of all customers contained in the Customers module. Report results can be grouped by Sales Rep, by Install City or by Install zip and by Creation Date within a given range. Output includes Name, Company, Contact Phone Numbers, Lead Source, Sales Rep, Install and Mailing Address, Email Address and Contract Number(s) if applicable. If a customer has opted out of email, the email address will be omitted. This report can be used for traditional mailing and email campaigns.
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