The Appointments module is the core of the MetricWise application. It contains the Sales calendar, the Installation calendar, a comprehensive section of Event filters for appointments and To Dos.
From the calendar, users can create, view, edit and delete appointments for sales reps and installers. Follow up appointments - both Revisits and Reschedules can also be created here. All scheduled appointments have Action Shortcut menus which allow access to commonly needed calendar functions.
To access the Sales calendar, select Sales from the main navigation menu bar and slide down to Appointments. Or, click on Sales, then click on Appointments in the subnavigation menu bar. To access the Installation calendar, select Installation from the main navigation menu bar and slide down to Appointments. Or, click on Installation, then click on Appointments in the subnavigation menu bar.
Each calendar contains two additional tabs: one for To Dos and one for All Events & To Dos . A To Do is a task that is not an appointment and does not appear on the calendars. The To Dos tab is accessible from any calendar view - Day, Week or Month and when accessed, displays a list of all To Dos that have not been marked as completed for the view selected. A new To Do can be created from the To Do tab and existing To Dos can be edited, duplicated or deleted, depending on the user's role. A list of To Dos can also be viewed by accessing the All Events & To Dos tab and selecting a To Do related filter. For more information on To Dos, see To Dos at end of this chapter.
The All Events & To Dos tab provides access to a list of Event filters which are used as part of the Window World work flow. An Event is a scheduled appointment. The MetricWise application comes equipped with a varied selection of workflow filters. Additional filters can be created by any user who has access a calendar. For more information on creating and duplicating filters, refer to the Filter section at the end of this chapter.
The Hot Leads widget is a heads up display for new leads that have been automatically entered into the Web Leads module. This is an optional service that integrates the Web Leads module with the Contact Us page on your website. For more information about Hot Leads, review the chapter titled Web Leads.
Navigating the Calendars
To view the schedule of appointments for the following day, click the blue arrow to the right of the date shown on top of the calendar. To view the previous day's appointments, click on the arrow to the left of the date. If you need to view appointments for a specific date, click on the desired day of the month. If you need to view appointments for a different month and year, select either the blue arrows on the left or right side of the calendars, or from the picklists containing month and year.
Appointment Overview
MetricWise is designed to create appointments and customer contacts quickly. The steps below will guide you through the process of setting appointments for new customers and adding a new customer to the contact list.
Several things occur within MetricWise when a new sales lead is created. The appointment is saved to the calendar and is given a Subject name (the appointment holder’s name). When the appointment is saved to the calendar, an Appointment Block is created in the corresponding time slot and contains an Action Shortcut menu of commonly used functions. The Appointment Block for a lead will display the appointment holders name, the city and zip code of the install address and the description field from the appointment. When the appointment is saved to the calendar, the customer contact information is saved in the Customers module as a new entry. If the appointment was created for an existing customer, the contact will be updated with the new appointment information.
When an existing Appointment Block on the calendar is moused over, additional information is displayed. If the appointment is a Lead, the appointment subject (the appointment holders name), contact phone numbers, email address and install street address will be displayed. If the appointment is an Install, it will display the appointment holders full name, the complete install address, the contract number and all items on the contract. The any portion of the information displayed can be copied into the brower and pasted into in a search box.
Action Shortcuts
Left clicking on the Appointment Block will display the Action Shortcut menu which provides access to common functions that relate to appointments: Appointment Statuses, Customer Information, Contracts (for Installation appointments) and Record Results.
Action Shortcut menu items vary between the Sales and Installation calendars. When the user mouses over each Action shortcut menu function, a tooltip is displayed, offering a brief description on how the function is to be used. Additional information about Statuses, Results and tooltips are contained in this article.
Sales Appointment Menu Options
The Action shortcuts and brief descriptions of their functions are:
View Customer Information -- Loads the customer contact from the customer list. Shows all customer phone numbers, addresses, appointment history, contract history and comment history.
Locate Map -- Sends the contact install address for the appointment to Google Maps, returning results in a new tab.
View Appointment -- Loads the appointment information in view only mode. When viewing an appointment, most fields can be hovered over to reveal an edit link.
Edit Appointment -- Loads the appointment information in edit mode. Appointment details can be changed here.
Print Appointment Detail -- Prints the lead sheet. Same as clicking button in appointment window
Record Sales Contract -- Loads the record contract form to enter contract information for this customer; use only after a Sold result is recorded and deposit is received.
Change Salesperson -- Moves appointment to another Sales Rep's column.
Record Results -- Sets appointment result to Demo No Sale, Sold, No Show or Cancelled. If Demo No Sale is selected, another optional picklist for Reason is displayed, offering several selections.
Create Reschedule -- Creates a follow up appointment. Use only to make a follow up appointment to a Cancelled or No Show result.
Create Revisit -- Creates a follow up appointment. Use only to make a follow up appointment to a Demo No Sale Result.
Create Mail In / Walk In -- Creates a follow up appointment. Use only after a Demo No Sale result to record a contract delivered the office by mail or by hand after a demonstration.
Delete -- Deletes the appointment, removes it from the calendar and from the Customer Activities section. Deleted appointments can be restored by accessing the Recycle Bin. For more information about the Recyle Bin, refer to the Modules article.
Access to Action Shortcut menu functions depend on the state of an appointment. For example, Record Contract is not accessible until a result of Sold has been recorded. Reschedules and Revisits are not accessible until a result of Demo No Sale, Cancelled or No Show has been recorded.
Setting a Sales Appointment
To create a sales appointment, go to the Appointments module and click the desired time under the Sales Reps name. This will load the Create Appointment Window. Fill it in using the instructions below.
There are two types of customers that will request a sales appointment: Existing Customers (contacts already exist in the Customers module) and New Customers (anyone who is not an Existing Customer).
The create appointment window will be used differently depending upon which type of customer you are dealing with. However, the first action in either case is to ask the customer for their phone number and type it into the home phone field in the create appointment window.
If a match is found, all information from the existing customer contact will autofill the contact information area. Follow the steps for Existing Customers below. If no match is found, it will be treated as a new customer. Continue to enter the customer contact information as described in the steps for Setting Appointments for New Customers below.
Sales Appointments for Existing Customers
On a successful phone number look up within the create appointment window, contact information for the matching customer contact will autofill the form.
If the appointment currently being scheduled is meant for the same contact at the same address, use the Save To Current button to save the sales appointment to the same customer contact. An example would be a repeat customer interested in an additional purchase.
If the phone number look up returns incorrect information or if the appointment being scheduled is for a different location for the same customer (apartment complex or second home), change the contact information in the create appointment window and choose the Save As New button. This will create a new contact in the Customers module.
In the case of Property Mangement companies, apartment buildings and rental properties, be sure to confirm a mailing address. If the Mailing Address is different from the Install Address, deselect the box located under the Install Zip field and enter the correct mailing address.
Sales Appointments for New Customers
- Always begin by entering the customer's home phone number and then tab out of the field. The system will search all phone numbers in the customer contacts. If there is a match, the contact information will autofill into the appropriate fields (refer to the instructions at the top of this page). If no phone number match is found, then continue to step 2.
- Enter the customers First and Last name.
- Enter the customers Install Address and the Install Zip. Then tab out of the Install Zip field. A Google Map search is performed and will autofill the City, State and County. Enter the Year Built.
- Select a Lead Source; this is a required field.
- If the customer was referred to you, select the referring customer contact from the Referred By picklist.
- If the customer wants billing information sent to a second address, uncheck the "Install Address is the same..." and enter their Mailing Address. Because most customers will use only one address, this box is checked by default.
- Next, complete the Description field, briefly describing the customer's reason for the appointment -- typically number of windows and doors. These notes will appear on the calendar in the appointment block as well as on the lead sheet.
- If there is any other important information the Sales Rep will need for the appointment, enter it in the area for Special Instructions. These notes will appear on the lead sheet, but not in the appointment block on the calendar.
- Next, double check the Status and Result fields. By default, the Status will be "New" and the Result should be "None". If scheduling a Service call, select Service from the pick list in the status field.
- This step is optional. Click the Nearby button. This will locate all future appointments within a 15 mile radius. This provides you with the opportunity to conveniently schedule the Sales Reps appointments within proximity of each other.
- This step is optional. If the customer gives directions or landmarks for hard to find locations, include them in the Directions field.
- Last, verify the Start and End times for the appointment at the bottom of the window. By default, the appointment will end 90 minutes after the start time. Change the end time as needed.
- Click Save as New button located at the top or bottom of the window. Save as New will create the appointment and add the customer to the customer list. (For more information on Save As New and Save To Current refer to the Sales Appointments for Existing Customers section above.)
Install Appointment Menu Options
The Action shortcuts associated with an Installation appointment vary slightly. The differences are:
View Contract information -- Loads the contract associated with the install or service appointment (sales appointments don't have associated contracts). The contract can be viewed and edited exactly as if it was accessed from the contract list.
Change Installer -- Moves appointment to another installer’s column.
Record Results -- Sets result to Incomplete, Complete - Unpaid, or Complete - Paid.
Create Service -- Creates a follow up appointment. Use only to make a follow up service call to this appointment.
Create Tentative -- Creates a follow up appointment. Use only to create a follow up installation appointment to complete this job.
Installation Appointments
To create an appointment for an Install, it is best to schedule from the Jobs List module; however, an install appointment can also be scheduled directly from the Install Calendar.
Creating an Install Appointment from the Install Calendar
- From the main navigtion menu, click Installation, then select Appointments. Or switch calendars directly from the Calendar picklist by selecting Installation. Click on the date for the appointment and locate an available installer.
- Click the time of the appointment under the installers name.
- Select a new status if Tentative is not appropriate.
- Enter the home phone number. If an existing contract is found, the contact information will be autofilled along with information recorded from the initial appointment. If multiple contracts are found, the contract numbers, last names and contract amounts will be displayed. Be sure to choose the correct contract.
- Select the End Time, allowing enough time for the installation to be completed.
- Click the Save To Current button.
Mass Editing Sales and Install Appointments
Typically, all appointments are confirmed ahead of time. A filter in all the All Events and To Dos tab is accessed, listing appointments for the following day. When a confirmation has been obtained, the appointment is edited and the confirmation box is checkimarked. To save time, the mass eidt feature can be used to edit multiple appointments all at once.
Select either calendar from the Sales or Installation main navigation menu bar
- Run the appropriate "Confirm for Tomorrow" filter
- Left click on the Subject Name and select "Open in New Tab"
- Contact the customer.
- Close the tab and place a checkmark next to each name on the list that has a confirmed appointment
- Click the green Mass Edit button
- Place a checkmark in the Confirmed field
- Click the green Save button
Service Appointments
Service appointments are typically scheduled for sash drops, caulking and warranty work.
Always create a Service contract prior to scheduling a service call appointment. Once the Service contract is created, the Service appointment can be scheduled directly from the Jobs List. When the Create Apppointment window loads, be sure to select the Installer in Assigned To, select Service in the Status field and select the date and time duration, then click the Save to Current button.
For more information on Service contracts and how they are associated with Service appointments, access the MetricWise Modules Contracts article.
Creating an Out of Office Appointment
- From the Appointment module, click on start time under the Sales Rep or Installer name.
- The Create Appointment window will appear.
- The Assigned To field will be autofilled; set the Status to Out Of Office.
- This step is optional: add a description in the Description field to signify why the employee will be unavailable.
- Set the end time for the appointment by changing the time in the Event ends on field.
- Click Save As New button at the bottom of the window, or your appointment will not be scheduled.
Creating Repeat Out of Office Appointments
Follow the same steps for creating an out of office and include these steps:
7. Select the Ending Date in the Event ends on field
8. Place a checkmark in the Enable Repeat box
9. Select the duration from the picklist - by Day, Week, Month or Year
10. Click the Save as New button
Duplicating Out of Office Appointments
Out of Office appointments can be conveniently duplicated by viewing an existing Out of Office appointment, clicking the Duplicate button and changing the Assigned to field. This is helpful when scheduling sales meeting or off site meetings for multiple sales reps.
- From the Appointment module, locate the Out of Office appointment to be duplicated. Left click the Appointment Block and select View Appointment
- The appointment Detail view will load. Click the blue Duplicate button
- The appointment Edit view will load. Select a Username from the Assigned To field.
- Click the green Save button
Looking up an Appointment if the Date is Unknown
- Go to the Customers module, search for and locate the customer.
- Scroll to the Activities section and locate the appointment.
Click on the name underneath the Subject to view the appointment. If you want to edit the appointment, click on the green Edit button in the upper left hand corner of the window.
Alternatively, an appointment can be located from the Appointments module within the All Events and To Dos tab. In the Search in field, enter the name. All appointments containing the name will be displayed. If this search method will be used frequently, a new filter can be created to display future appointments only. See the FAQ section for help creating filters, or contact MetricWise support for assistance.
Looking up an Appointment if the Date is Known
- Access the appropriate calendar for the date desired. Click in the appointment block and select View Appointment.
- To view or edit the appointment, click on the appointment block and choose the appropriate entry in the shortcut menu.
Duplicating an appointment
When viewing an appointment, a Duplicate button is accessible. Use the duplicate button to quickly copy an appointment and simply change the date or Assign To: field on the new copy. A common use for this is to assign Out of Office appointments for sales reps due to a sales appointment.
Changing Time and Date
If a customer needs to change the time or date of their appointment, follow these steps:
- Check the appointment calendar for available times that work for the customer.
- On the appointment calendar, locate the original appointment set for the customer.
- Click in the Appointment Block. This will bring up a list of options.
- On the list of options, click on the "Edit Appointment" link to bring up the Edit Appointment Window.
- From the Edit Appointment window, locate the start and end times and change them to the new time requested by the customer.
- Click the Save button.
Assigning an Appointment to a Different Sales Rep
To reassign an appointment to a different Sales Rep or installer, follow these steps:
- Locate the customer contact from the customer list.
- In the Activities section, click on the Subject name of the appointment you want to change.
- Click the Edit button.
- Access the picklist under the Assigned To: field. Select the name.
- Click the Save button.
Or if you are working directly from the calendar
- Locate the appointment block and click within it to access the action shortcut menu.
- Select Change Sales Rep or Change Installer and make a selection from the list.
- Click the Save button.
Deleting an Appointment
To delete an appointment:
- Locate the customer contact from the customer list.
- In the Activities section, click on the Subject name of the appointment you want to change.
- Click the orange Delete button.
- Click OK to the "Are you sure" message in the dialog box.
Deleted appointments can be restored by Managers. For more information, refer to the Recycle Bin module:
Or if you are working directly from the calendar:
- Locate the appointment block.
- Left click within it to access the action shortcut menu.
- Select the Delete option at the bottom of the list
- Click OK to the "Are you sure" message in the dialog box.
Status and Results
Tracking statuses and recording results of sales leads is very important. It is vital to select the correct status and result, as it directly affects the closing percentage reports.
Think of an appointment's status as the type of appointment it is: New for new leads, Revisit for a be back, Service for a sash drop or warranty work, or Set for scheduled installation. An appointment can have only one status which is displayed as the first icon in a appointment block on the calendar.
Appointment status is set automatically by the system when an appointment is created using either the Create Appointment window or one of the Create... options in the Action shortcut menu.
Sales Appointment Statuses
Once a status is set, it should not be changed. On the initial appointment, the status should remain as New and the Result should remain as None. There are currently five possible statuses for a sales appointment.
New: New is the default Status for Create Appointment window. A new customer's first appointment with Window World should always have a status New. Existing customers can have a appointment status of New if they call back for a new job at the same property or different property.
Rescheduled: Use ONLY for a follow up appointment when the previous appointment with the customer ended with a result Cancelled or No Show. To set a Rescheduled appointment, find the previous appointment with a result of Cancelled or No Show. Select Create Rescheduled from the Action shortcut then go to the date the customer chooses for the Rescheduled appointment. You will be prompted to “Save To Current” when the appointment is edited and the new date and time are entered.
Revisit: (or be back) Use ONLY for a follow up appointment when the previous appointment with the customer ended with a result Demo No Sale. To set a Revisit appointment, find the previous appointment with a result of Demo No Sale, select Create Revisit from the Action shortcut, then go to the date the customer chooses for the Revisit appointment.
Mail In / Walk In: When a Sales Rep doesn't close the sale during his appointment, the result should always be marked Demo No Sale. If the customer later mails or drops off the contract with a deposit, create a Mail In / Walk In from the Action shortcut menu in the previous Demo No Sale appointment. Use ONLY when a customer mails or hands in a contract from a previous appointment with a result of Demo No Sale:
To set a Mail In / Walk In appointment, find the previous appointment with a result of Demo No Sale, select Create Mail In / Walk In from the Action shortcut menu, then change the date to the date the contract arrived. You will be prompted to Save To Current when the appointment is edited and the new date and time are entered.
Sales Appointment Results
An appointment's result describes the outcome of that sales call. An appointment can have only one result which is displayed as the second icon in the appointment block on the calendar. The first icon displays the appointment's Status.
Results must be recorded manually; they are usually set when a Sales Rep turns in the lead sheet. The easiest way to record a result to is to access the calendar and use the appointment Action shortcut menu; then choose appropriate entry.
If the appointment date is unknown locate it from the Customers list and scroll down to the Activities section. There are currently four possible results for an appointment, and it's important to set these correctly for accurate reporting. Once results are correctly recorded, they should not be changed.
Sold: When a sales rep turns in a signed contract and deposit check record the appointment result as Sold. The Sales Rep can return with the contract or the customer can mail it in or deliver it in person. To record a Sold result, use the Record Results option on the Action shortcut menu.
Demo No Sale: When a Sales Rep pitches the customer but does not close the sale on the spot, the result is a Demo No Sale. An appointment must occur, a demonstration takes place, and the customer says "no" for a Demo No Sale result. When Demo No Sale has been selected, an optional list of reasons is available in the Demo No Sale Reason pick list: Non Owner, Glass Repair, Historic District Disallowed, HOA Disallowed, One Legger, Financing Denied and Waiting On Funds.
Typical customer responses for a Demo No Sale include "maybe later", "I'll call you", and "I need to check with my spouse." Follow up appointments for a result of Demo No Sale will always be Status Revisit. To record a Demo No Sale result, click the Action shortcut menu on the appointment and select Demo No Sale.
Cancelled: If a customer calls to cancel a scheduled appointment and does not want to set another appointment, result it as Cancelled. A cancelled result should be used when the customer says they're not interested right now, they'll call back when they're ready, or they changed their minds and the lead was never run.
Follow up appointments for a result of Cancelled will always be Status Rescheduled. When an appointment has been recorded as cancelled, the appointment will be moved to after business hours on the calendar.
No Show: When a customer misses their appointment for any reason, record a result of No Show. No demonstration takes place, and there's no opportunity to make a sale.
If the customer wants to make up the missed appointment, follow up appointments for a result of No Show will always be Status Rescheduled.
No Quote: When the customer was not looking to buy anything your store sells or is not qualified to make renovations to the property, this should be very infrequent and is sign of either misuse or an incorrectly qualified lead.
Install Appointment Statuses
Install appointments have a different set of statuses and results than sales appointments. A more detailed explanation on how to use the install appointment statuses and results is available in the Job List section on page 57 and in the table on the last two pages of this manual.
Tentative: The default status for an install appointment loaded from the Job List or by a phone number look up. Users can leave all install appointments in this state, or you can use the Set status, depending on store policy. Appointments with either status Set or Tentative are counted in the install appointment reports.
Set: This status is optional. For stores that want to differentiate between installation appointments that are tentative and confirmed, use the Set status. Appointments with either status Set or Tentative are counted in the install appointment reports.
Service: This status is used for sash drops, install touch ups, and warranty services. Services can be assigned to sales reps for sash drops or for install / service staff for installation and warranty services. Service appointments are not counted as installations in the reports.
Service Required:
Install Appointment Results
Like sales appointments, installation appointments should have their results recorded as soon as they're known. After an installation result is recorded, a second icon will appear below the status icon to show the outcome of the installation appointment.
Incomplete: If the crew went to the job site, but could not complete the installation, mark the job as incomplete. The system will allow the user to record a reason why the job was not completed -- mismeasure, cracked sash, weather, etc. -- which will be recorded in the contract description. The Incomplete status and recorded notes will appear on the Job List to allow the job to be rescheduled.
Complete - Unpaid: If the work is complete, but the installer was unable to collect the balance due, mark the job as Complete - Unpaid. This will alert accounting that there is still a balance due for this job.
Complete - Paid: This is the end state of a job. When the customer has their windows and the installer has collected the balance due, mark the install appointment Complete - Paid.
Recording an install appointment as Complete - Paid will also update the related contract Install Stage to the Complete - Paid. This will remove the contract from the Job List as well.
Creating, viewing and editing To Do's
A To Do is a task assigned to a user that is different from a sales or install appointment.
To Dos have due dates as well as their own statuses to track progress: Planned, In Progress, Completed amd Deferred. Incomplete To Dos can be accessed directly from the Home Page widget, by clicking on the hyperlink under the Subject column. Click the green edit button to make changes; then click the green save button.
There are two methods to display the list view of To Dos: in the Appointment module - click on the To Dos tab. All incomplete To Dos will be displayed by the day, week or month, depending upon the current calendar setting.
To Do statuses and other fields can be edited here by clicking on the To Do subject line or by clicking the arrow under the Actions column.
Another way to access To Dos is by clicking on the All Events and To Dos tab in the Appointment module, access the Filters list and select All Open To Dos. From this list view, a quick way to mark a To Do as Completed is to click the X located in the column labeled Close.
To Dos have due dates as well as their own statuses to track progress: Planned, In Progress, Completed and Deferred. To Dos that have not been marked Completed can be accessed directly from the To Do widget oh the Home Page: click on the hyperlink under the Subject column. Click the green edit button to make changes; then click the green Save button.
Adding a To Do
To Dos can be added within any of these three different modules: Customers, Web Leads and Contracts
To add a To Do from the customer module, search for the customer and click on the First or Last name of the customer associated with the To Do. (To add a To Do in Web Leads or Contracts, search by customer name or subject name and follow the steps below.)
- In the Actions column on the right side of the page click the Add To Do link, or in the Activities section, click the Add To Do button.
- Enter a Title in the To Do field.
- Enter a description (optional)
- Set the Status to Planned or In Progress.
- Select a user name from the Assigned To field.
- Fill in the Start time and Start and End dates in the Time & Date section.
- Click the green Save button.
The To Do will now appear in several places: in the Home Page widget for the user who is assigned to the To Do; from the calendar when the To Dos tab is clicked; from the All Events and To Dos tab and viewing the All Open To Dos filter and in the Activities section of the Customer Contact, Web Leads or Contract.
To create a To Do that is not associated with a customer, start in the Appointments module. Click on the To Dos tab; click the Add button. Enter the description, status, assignee and due date. Click the green Save button.
Creating Event Filters: under construction.
location, user accessiblity
Ownership You create it and publish it, only you can change it
Viewing - Pick List, Home page
Create New - '
Visibility Priviate - your eyes only
public all can use
default view: always selected when event tab loaded
Pinning to Home Page
Deleting - only if you are the owner
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