The Customers module contains entries for all customer and their properties. The list will include customers created in MetricWise as well as any imported customers from a previous customer database, created during set up.
Each MetricWise customer contact listing represents an individual install address. Customers who have multiple properties will be listed more than once - having a separate listing for each unique install address.
Searching for a Customer Contact
There are several methods to search for a customer contact. In the Search section at the top of the page, enter an item to search on -- the available fields vary depending on which filter is loaded. If the deault filter - All - By Last name is in use, the most likely search criteria will be a phone number, last name or install street name. When searching for phone numbers, it is not necesary to select the correct phone type as a category. If an office phone number is entered, but the category of Home is chosen, it will still be located. Categories are Home, Office, Mobile, Fax and Other. Partial phone numbers can also be entered. All partial matches will be displayed in the results.
The Advanced Search link can be used to search several different combinations of search terms at once. For example, a search could be made for all customers in a particular zip code who saw a particular sales rep.
Manually Adding a New Customer
Customers can be added directly to the customer list if necessary, without creating an appointment first.
- Access the Customers module from the system menu.
- Click the green "+" button.
- Complete the Customer Information section, entering the Name, Phone Numbers and Lead Source.
- Complete the Custom Information section if directions to the propery have been provided.
- Complete the Address Information section.
- Click the green Save button.
Editing Customer Contacts
Customer contact information can be edited by clicking on the green Edit button in the upper left hand corner of the window.
If the customer has been located on the search results list, click the Edit link located in the Action column at the far right of the listing. If the customer name has been changed in the listing, any associated appointments and contracts should be edited as well - change the subject names. If customer and contract information has already been imported into QuickBooks, the name must be edited there as well.
For name change corrections to existing appointments and contracts:
- Scroll down the screen to the Activities section.
- Click on the Subject for the appointment. (the appointment holders name).
- Click the green edit button and change the name in the Subject line.
- Click the green Save button.
- If a contract exists, access the Customer Contact again.
- Scroll to the Contracts section and for each contract, click on the Edit link in the Action column.
- When the contract is displayed in the window, change the name in the Subject field
- Click the green Save button.
Deleting Customer Contacts
Customer contacts can be deleteed by clicking on the Orange Delete button in the upper left hand corner of the window.
A deleted customer contact can be restored from the Recycle Bin, by a user with the appropriate permission level.
Rehash Stages For Unsold Prospects
The Rehash process is intended to bump up closing percentages at no additional cost. Interactions with an unsold prospect can be tracked while attempting to get the lead back on the sales calendar. The process is managed by utilizing the Rehash by Appointment Date report and using the Rehash Stage and Comments fields in the customer contact.
Managing the Rehash Process - How Bump up Closing Percentages
The Rehash report should be rendered weekly or biweekly. The employee or contractor responsible for the process accesses a contact from the list and attempst to contact the prospect. Enter the results of the attempt in the Comments section, i.e.: Called, left a message. Edit the Rehash Stage field to reflect the result. If this was the first contact, the stage should be set to Attempted to Contact 1. If a prospect request a Revisit, it can be scheduled immediately depending on who has contacted the prospect. If the caller can't schedule the revisit themselves, the Rehash Stage should be set to Followup Requested. Office personnel should contact the prospect immediately to schedule the appointment and change the Rehash Stage to Revisit Scheduled. The Rehash process can be tracked through the stages by selecting the imbeded filters
Utilizing Rehash Stages
The following stages are available can are to be used throughout the process:
Rehash Stage 1 - No Sale - this can be used as an indicator for the Sales Rep to begin the Rehash process
Rehash Stage 2 - Attempted to Contact 1 through 3 - for each attempted contact, select the corresponding attempt
Rehash Stage 3 - Follow Up Requested - this stage can be used if the Sales Rep has ownership of the Rehash process. If the prospect requests a Revisit, this stage is used to notify Office Personnel schedule the revisit
Rehash Stage 4 - Delaying Purchase - Prospect has given a reason they are not purchasing at this time. Create a To Do (refer to To Do's section in Appointment Module) to follow up in the future
Rehash Stage 5 - Dead Lead - Tried to contact three times
Rehash Stage 6 - Revisit Scheduled - The Appointment Scheduler selects this stage after the Revisit has been scheduled
Rehash Stage 7 - Bought From Competitor - The prospect purchased from a different company
Tracking Rehash Stages
Rehash Stages can be tracked by running the imbedded filters located in the Filters List. Select from stages 1 through 7.
Comments Information
The comments section serves a a repository for notes that are pertinent to the customer. All users in MetricWise have access to the Comments access to the Comments section for customers they are assigned to. They can read all entries and create new entries.
To create a comment for a customer contact, click on the blue Add Comment button. To save the comment, click the green Save button.
Comments are also saved in the Comments module.
The Activities section lists all Appointments and To Dos associated with the customer and provides links to them. Appointments can be scheduled within the Activities section by clicking the blue Schedule button. To Dos can be added by clicking the blue Add To Do button.
Click on a name in the subject column to display the appointment or the To Do. If a subject name includes APPT, it indicates this was a sales appointment. If the subject name contains Inst, it indicates this was an Install appointment. For Install appointmetns, click on the item the Related To column to display the contract. Click on the Start Date to display the appointment on the calendar.
The Contracts section lists all Contracts associated with the customer and provides links to them. Click on a number in the Contract No field to display the contract. Click on the Edit link under the Actions column will open the contract in the edit mode.
Adding a Contract
Contracts can be recorded from the Customer Contact listing, but only AFTER the results have been recorded. Ideally, the appointment Action shortcut menu should be used to record a contract for a new sale.
Any items that pertain to a customer can be uploaded into the customer listing. When attaching scanned documents, it's best to scan them in black and white (not color) to reduce the file size. Compatible file types include PDF, Word and Text Documents, Excel and Image Files i.e.: GIF, JPEG, PNG and TIFF. Attachments must be less than 4MB in size.
To add an attachment, click on the blue Add Document button. Add a Title, then click Browse to locate and upload the attachment. Last, add a optional description and click the green Save button.
Attachments can be viewed from the Customer Contact as well as from the Documents module.
The AMI FO's section of the contract is automatically populated if the store subscribes to AMI FO Serial Number Import, an option feature. It consists of two modules within MetricWise: the FO (Factory Order Number) and Assets. When activated, this section contains the AMI FO number with a link to the FO module; the AMI PO number, the Order Date, Ship Date and Order Status. To view the Serial Numbers and dimentions for the contract items, click on the link and open the Assets section.
How does it work? The night your order has been loaded onto the AMI truck, an electronic inventory of the truck contents is automatically uploaded into MetricWise. On the mornings of your scheduled deliveries, MetricWise will already be updated.
For more information, refer to the MetricWise Modules section on AMI FO and Assets - Search by Serial Number or contact MetricWise Support.
AMI Order Forms - TBD v1206a?
Locate Map
To locate directions for an appointment, click the Locate Map button. It will trigger a Google Map search of either the mailing (Primary Address) or install address (Other Address).
Print Envelope Labels
An envelope template is available and can be used for mailing campaigns or for other purposes. Envelopes can be printed individually or in batches. Use the Customers module to assist in running an effective mailing campaign. An example would be to target a specific city or neighborhood. Start by creating a filter for a specific City or Postal Code. Select all the results by placing a check mark in the top most check box and click the green Mass Print button. Place a check mark next to Envelope Address in the Select Forms To Print dialog box and click Print. A window with all names and addresses will be displayed along with an active link "Instructions on Setting up Envelope Printing". Click the link, follow the instructions and load the envelopes into the printer.
Envelopes can be printed individually; simply search for the customer, place a check mark next to the name and click the Mass Print button. When the Select Forms To Print dialog box is displayed, place a check mark next to Envelope Address and click Print. If you are looking at the Customer Contact information in Detail view, click the blue Print link. Place a check mark next to Envelope Address in the Select Forms To Print dialog box and click Print. A window with the name and address will be displayed along with this active link "Instructions on Setting up Envelope Printing". Click the link, follow the instructions and load the envelopes into the printer.
To view the printer setup instructions, click this link:
Find Duplicates
The Find Duplicates feature is a handy way to consolidate customer information and group all appointments and contracts that may inadvertantly be split between two customer listings. In some instances, a duplicate entry is valid and should not be merged, i.e. a single customer owning or managing several properties. When two or more records are merged, existing appointments and contracts between the two will be merged into the primary record.
This feature is accessible from the magnifying glass icon located near the top of the window. Based on the search criteria entered, duplicate listings will be identified and when merged, a single combined listing will remain.
- From the Sales or Installation menu in the main navigation menu bar, select Customers
- Click on icon resembling a magnifying glass - it will display Find Duplicates when moused over
- In the Merging Criteria Selection section, highlight the first item in the Available Fields box on the left; use the arrows to move it over to the Fields to be matched on. Repeat for each item. For the most effective results, search only by Install Street and Home Phone.
- Click the green Find Duplicates button. A list view of all duplicates will be displayed. Duplicate or triplicate entries wiill be grouped together.
- Merge one grouping at a time by placing a check in the Merge Select column, then click the green Merge button.
- At least three columns will be displayed: the List of Fields, information from Record #1 and Record #2, and possibly other records. Either record can be selected as the Primary record to merge into. Record #1 is the primary record by default. Fields from the other records can be individually selected and will be merged into the primary record. To select them, click the radio button next to the item.
- Click the green Merge button.
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