14101 Release Notes
WindowWorld.com lead email import to Web Leads. You should already be getting your leads from the accounts corporate set up in March. Simply forward those emails to leads@<yourserver>.metricwise.net. An email address has been configured on your MetricWise server to receive them, and Hot Leads will be created automatically.
New week view is more compact and much easier to read.
Link to Zillow.com from the appointment context menu will send install address to Zillow.
Requeue contracts for Web Connector from Tools -> QuickBooks list.
Pending Orders is a hard block on job scheduling -- any jobs that have individual items not marked as Received will not have their install stages changed.
New Report: Units by Order Date -- See counts for windows, doors, siding, and gutters for contracts set to install stage Ordered. This can be found under Manage -> Reports -> Admin -> Units by Order Date.
ToDos displayed on calendar -- any To Dos not completed are shown at the top of the calendar day view.
Sales reps can no longer see install calendar. The home page widget displays all the information sales reps need regarding upcoming jobs.
New Vendor module can import vendor list from QuickBooks.
Heartbleed SSL vulnerability patched. It would be wise to change all passwords.
- Inactive or deleted lead sources no long selectable outside of lead source module.
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